After living in Southern California for 2 years, it is rainy days like this that make me think that there would be a rough period of adjustment if I moved somewhere else. Weather wise, it's almost like every day is exactly the same (almost).'s AJ Ramirez analyzes Broken track-by-track in his blog Caught in the Machine in a multi-part series of posts. It's definitely worth your time!
Stay down in it this week and get ready for another special bonus episode of THROW IT AWAY to drop, coinciding with Thanksgiving.
(For our non-US listeners: this a holiday that celebrates this one time when the first white people here had a meal with all the native people who helped them out when they first arrived in a foreign land. To pay them back, the white people then slaughtered the natives)
Here at THROW IT AWAY headquarters, we're hard at work to get our episodes out to our fans. Stay tuned and keep your eyes peeled for news posts, blog entries, enhanced website features and more. Did you think we wouldn't recognize this compromise?